Mountain View Image – Earth has many things to be thankful for, one of which is the mountain child. In Indonesia, there are many famous mountains in various regions that are destinations for nature lovers. Indeed, there are mountains spread throughout the archipelago, the highest of which is the peak of Jayawijaya, which is in the Papua region.
Mountains also provide stunning natural scenery, it is not uncommon for many mountains in Indonesia to have charming tourist attractions both at the top and at the foot of the mountain. Seeing such a big mountain can symbolize the incredible creation of the Almighty.
Introducing children to mountains and nature widely is important because it can foster a love of the environment. One way to teach children to recognize mountains is by coloring pictures. By coloring mountains, children can certainly exercise their creativity and improve their artistic abilities.
Previously, we also posted coloring pictures of forest scenes that are still closely related to nature. By learning to color, of course children can further explore their artistic abilities and teachers can download the coloring materials we provide for free below.
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Coloring pictures of mountain scenery
For children, of course, coloring pictures is very exciting, especially for preschool or kindergarten age. With the picture of the mountain scenery above, children can practice coloring and can be guided directly by the teacher. That’s the post about coloring pictures of mountains, hopefully useful for you.
See also: Collection of Beach Scene Coloring Pictures for Kindergarten 2022